$40.00 Double Fan
Held For Increase
Tetraploid. I call this my purple WEBSTER'S PINK WONDER because the plant habit is identical. It received a dose of WEBSTER'S PINK WONDER from both parents, but its siblings were all tall and red or rose so this seedling's color came as quite a hybridizing bonanza thanks to recessive genes. I've used this plant heavily in my hybridizing program for large purples with watermarks. It's a big 10" violet purple bitone unusual form with a light raspberry pink "Munson type" watermark, a fine white edge, and a wide cream to green throat. Scapes are 31" with 4 to 6 way branching, 24 to 26 buds, and it reblooms for a long bloom season. Easily fertile both ways even in hot weather. Semi-evergreen with a dormant resting bud above ground. LOUD GIRLS X HEAVENLY UNITED WE STAND